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    Dear Husband

    January 23, 2018

    Dear Husband


    I just wanted to tell you it wont always be like this.

    I won’t always be exhausted and cranky with a baby on my hip and a 4 year old on my leg.

    My hair won’t always be in a pile on top of my head by the time you get home.

    I won’t always live in yoga pants [unless you like that, then I will gladly keep that going!]

    I will, one day, use perfume in the way it was intended to be used, not just to freshen up a pair of jeans that need washing.

    I won’t always throw a child in your arms the minute you walk in the door from work.

    There will be a day where we don’t have tacos 3x a week because they are just so easy to throw together.

    I wont always be checking the clock for when I can switch from coffee to wine.

    I wont always text you at work to tell you one is crying, one is not napping and I’m moving to FIJI.

    I wont always give you the “come here” look and wink then promptly fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow.

    It wont always feel like we are hemorrhaging money towards medical bills, various kids therapies, school fees and yet again, more clothes for these little growing bodies.

    I won’t always fall asleep on the couch by 8pm, unless you put on a war movie in which I will always fall asleep on the couch by 8pm.

    I won’t always be distracted by the multiple schedules constantly swirling around in my head.

    I wont always want every vacation we plan to have the word “Disney” in it.

    There will be a day where I don’t buy way too many baby clothes “because they will only be this tiny once”. Until grandkids…then I will do this again.

    Dear Husband


    I will, however, always love you like I do today. And even more every day. When I see you hold our sweet babies and care for our little family.

    I will, always, fight for us, work hard for us and be the best wife and mom that I can possibly be…even if it’s in yoga pants.

    It wont always be like this, but I’m sure enjoying it while it is.

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