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machine washable rugs

    You Are Pretty Great

    February 9, 2018

    “you are pretty great”

    That was the last line in a late night text from a friend who sees me. Knows me. Lives thousands of miles away and unconditionally loves me. Im pretty sure she said this right after I told her how tired I was.

    I don’t believe I’m great all the time. I don’t believe I’m great most of the time. I know that moms out there don’t either.

    Society tells us we aren’t great because:

    We breastfeed in public.

    We Feed our babies formula.

    We let our babies sleep in our beds.

    We put babies to sleep in their own room.

    We don’t buy organic food.

    We spend too much money on organic food.

    We present our lives as perfect on social media.

    We share too much real life on social media.

    We helicopter parent our children.

    We are too hands off parenting.

    We put our marriage and spouses first.

    We put our kids before our marriage.

    We spend too much time cleaning our house when we should invest in our kids.

    We neglect the state of our house to invest in our kids.

    So many moms think they aren’t great.

    And you know what, they ARE great.

    I just get so overwhelmed with what I should be doing, what I want to be doing, what I need to be doing. My days are filled with brushing teeth, making bottles, wiping bums and nurturing growing souls. My nights are filled with getting water, replacing binkies and laying awake trying to remember if I moved that appointment or if its sharing day tomorrow at school or when in heaven’s name will I fit in that workout.

    I forget that I’m pretty great. You forget that you’re pretty great.

    You’re pretty great when you leave those dishes over night and choose to spend time with your husband after the littles go to sleep.

    You’re pretty great for cleaning after they go to bed so you can enjoy a clean house before bed.

    You’re pretty great for breastfeeding, man that’s hard mama.

    You’re pretty great for bottle feeding, you’re feeding your baby!

    You’re pretty great for home making all your snacks, dinners and baby food.

    You’re pretty great for getting take-out more than once this week and knowing your limit.

    You’re pretty great for snuggling that baby all night in-between you and your husband.

    You’re pretty great for sticking to that sleep training book and getting your child cozy in their own bed.

    You’re pretty great.


    (i don’t mean to yell, but I want you to believe it!)

    You get the picture right? There is no definition for pretty great. Because YOU are the definition. You mama, right where you are, loving your family in the just perfect way that you know how, in the perfect way that they need, are PRETTY GREAT.


    Speaking of pretty great, that rug that Coco is snuggled up on is pretty freaking great! I love collaborating with businesses and would never show you guys something that I wouldn’t purchase myself!

    These natural, handmade, machine-washable rugs fit into standard washers and dryers! Hello! You can machine wash your rugs and cushions! Send them ALL to my house.

    These are also picked by Vogue as the top baby product for celeb nurseries, which duh, that’s why it is in coco’s room 😉

    I love that they are all natural dyes, eco and contain no VOC’s like most carpets. Gives me such a peace of mind! Plus, proceeds go to the Sakula project and provide schooling for children in India.

    Go see for yourself!

    Rug- Lorena Canals

    Bows – Sweet Evelyn Co

    Outfit – Happy Pine Tree