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    How We Prevent and Fight the Flu!

    February 17, 2018

    Boohoo the FLU

    (photo has nothing to do with the flu (even though a little girl barfed all over the place at this shoot!!!), Im just needing any excuse to post these awesome valentines photos from our shoot with Reality and Retrospect!)

    Recently, we took a weeklong trip to visit family. I was DREADING the travel part and being locked on a plane, or as I call it “a tube of recycled breath”. We would be flying right smack dab in the middle of one of the worst flu epidemics since 19something. If you don’t know me, I’m a complete germ-a-phobe. Little did I know, while we were visiting the STOMACH FLU would be making its way through our extended family members! AGHH! Here are the things I did to try my best to prevent it from taking myself, my hubs and my little people down! We made it out unscathed that trip but I do realize that posting this will be a direct challenge to the Flu to take me down. I’ll just be over here knocking on all the wood I can find!


    1. Elderberry Syrup

    This one is newer for me but OH MY GOODNESS I really believe it was a game changer! Elderberry syrup can help fight the flu but is also a great immune system supporter. We get the Gaia Organic brand from Sprouts. I like this one because it doesn’t have the added junk some other brands do. You can also make your own very easily but I didn’t have time for that!

    1. Bone Broth

    Homemade bone broth is not only delicious but it is such a great immune system booster! Bone broth has a high gelatin content which is so good for you in so many ways. Think about it, traditionally you would be served chicken noodle soup when you got sick. That is because that the bone broth is so healing! We drink this every morning during flu season to help our gut stay healthy and to support our immune system. Added bonus, its delicious and such a comfort food! You can also buy premade bone broth at Sprouts but I prefer homemade in my crock-pot!

    1. Essential Oils

    I have been using essential oils for 4 years now and they are a complete game changer! We have removed so many harmful things from our home and have been able to replace them with oils! Cleaning products, medicinal products, sleep aids, candles. Thieves has been my go to for immune system support this winter! I would put thieves on our feet and pulse points as well as diffusing it in our rooms!

    1. Vitamin C + Probiotics

    Just so much Vitamin C! And Vitamins! And probiotics! We up our dose when we get the sniffles or hit by the dreaded flu. Fun lesson I learned, Vit D helps when you are well and trying to prevent illness and Vit C helps when it has taken you down and you are trying to get better! Probiotics are so essential for a healthy gut and our gut is the epicenter of wellness! Did you know that an unhealthy gut can actually be a cause of depression? Everything is connected to our gut health so keep that good bacteria pumping in there!

    1. Lysol/Clorox Wipes

    I try not to use these if I don’t have to because they have some hormone altering ingredients (of course, everything is bad for us right? Eye roll) BUT I preach moderation and with traveling I carry both Wet Ones and Clorox wipes. If you’re in a 5ft radius of me while traveling you will probably get wiped down! HA! I’m that psycho lady wiping down every inch of the seat, tray and seatbelt on a plane and wiping those kids hands down every chance I get! OH, and my husband’s too(even while he eye rolls, but he thanks me later)!

    1. WATER

    I swear, growing up every ailment I had my mom would say “drink water”. The cure-all. Truth is, being well-hydrated helps our body function properly and be at tip top shape to fight off illness. It helps us flush out toxins, boosts your immune system and even helps promote weight loss!! Hey, that never hurts!

    1. Garlic

    Garlic has awesome antioxidant properties! It was used well known in the ancient days for its medicinal properties! In fact, recent studies have shown that garlic has been effective at fighting some cancers! We up our garlic intake when we want to stay well or when someone is sick. Studies have shown it to significantly reduce the duration of cold and flu symptoms. We even use garlic for ear infections too! These are just a great excuse to load up on some garlic. I like it on my veggies; hubby likes it on his fries.

    1. Washing Hands

    “WASH YOUR HANDS” I say to Wyatt every time we come in the house. Kevin comes home and immediately walks to the sink and washes. This has become a habit in our home and has drastically reduced how many times we have been taken down by sickness. We always wash before we eat and are conscious to not touch our mouth, nose and eyes during the day. I know this one seems silly but its probably the number one reason we all stayed well when around sickness!

    1. Occosycollion and Homeopathic Remedies

    Let me preface this with a statement about medication. We live in 2018. We have amazing advances in science, medical knowledge and technology. While I try to avoid medications at all cost, I do know that without them I wouldn’t be alive today (chemo) and many people would die from infections that can now be cured with simple antibiotics.

    That being said, I have found that there are many ways to treat things and I try my very best to support the body as naturally as I can throughout illness. I love Boiron products as they work with the body to bring about healing in a gentle way. Occosycollion is the name of the one for the flu. We use their teething products for Coco too. It is good to have choices when you get sick!