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    10 Ways to Use Essential Oils Everyday

    October 1, 2018

    10 Ways to use ESSENTIAL OILS!

    When I first started using oils over 5 years ago I was so insanely overwhelmed on what to do with them. There were so many to pick from, so many uses for each, so many ways to apply. Plus I was a new mom trying to figure out what to do with this little human they let me take home from the hospital. I knew that I wanted to switch our home over to the most natural way of living possible but, holy smokes, they felt super daunting. All of a sudden I was looking at this precious new baby and wanting to protect him from all the chemicals and products that could hurt him!

    After tons of research, help from other oily mamas, Pinterest and just years of using them I have honed in on my 10 favorite ways I use oils everyday! Here ya go oil lovers…or oil virgins!

    1. Diffuse VS candles

    I was shocked and super sad when I found out that candles have a bunch of hidden toxins in them. UGH. I know, I see that eye roll. Yes, LOTS of things in our home have toxins, can’t we just keep one simple thing safe from the dreaded “toxic” vocabulary?! I get it, I love the soft flicker of a flame and the warm scent that makes a home feel so cozy! Yes, when I read this research I glanced over with sad cartoon eyes at my Anthropologie candle burning by my desk. Sigh. SO long dear friend.

    BUT there is an alternative! DIFFUSING! Not only does diffusing oils make your home smell great, but you get the added benefits of what these oils can do for your body and mind! You can check out Pinterest for some yummy recipes with oils to make certain scents. I love just diffusing citrus fresh for a clean fresh smell and a mood lifter! Thieves diffused is a great immune system supporter as well as an air purifier! When the seasons turn, I like Cinnamon Bark and other yummy holiday scents. The options are limitless and the benefits are amazing.

    1. Dryer balls

    Did you know you can introduce your oils to your laundry room? Laundry room, meet oils. Oils meet laundry room…or in my case, meet garage. I found out a while ago those yummy smelling dryer sheets not only are a fire hazard but they are so toxic! (We could make a drinking game out of how many times I say toxic in an oil post). They coat your clothes, get on your skin and are absorbed into your body! Yikes! Same with fabric softener! Throw it out people! I’ll save the space listing all the harmful effects but go look it up for yourself! Super toxic (ha! Take a drink). ANYWAY, I was super sad that my clothes weren’t soft and smelling of a basket of fresh flowers anymore. Don’t fret though, I found these Wool Dryer Balls by Buckaroo Organics. Not only do they naturally soften your clothes when you throw them in the dryer with a load, but you can add essential oils to them to freshen up that laundry too! I get giddy about how much I love these. Tip from the pros, make sure to fully dry your clothes with the dryer balls in the load to make them smell fresh with whatever oil you choose!

    1. Lavender in mascara

    They say (whoever “they” are) that adding lavender to your mascara helps lengthen your lashes! Long lashes are pretty much next to godliness right now so that can’t hurt right? It can also strengthen and condition those lashes as well as fight off germs that might cling to your lashes or grow in that tube. Another benefit is warding off pesky eyelash mites (SICK). Plus it smells amazing so there’s that!

    1. Car diffusing

    Hello!! Diffuse oils in your car! Stressed in traffic? Put on some Peace and Calming, kids going nuts in the back seat? Hey there, lavender. Left that BBQ food in your car overnight? Purification to the rescue! Need a mood lift on Monday? (or tues, wed, thur…) A little Joy diffused should do the trick. Taking sick kids to the doctor? Thieves it up, baby! Need to boost those kids attention span and brain power on the way to school? Genius is the answer! SO those are just some of my personal favorite uses. Young Living has options for how you can do this from USB diffusers to adapters to personal diffusers! Check them out HERE.

    1. Cleaning

    Although my mom thinks I never clean, I actually DO! A lot. In fact, I feel like with two kids (and when we had a huge black hairy dog) I’m just in a constant phase of cleaning. Like it feels like all I do is pick up and wipe down. Thieves cleaner has been an amazing way that I have been able to replace toxic chemical cleaners from my house! Getting those chemicals off the counters where my children eat, off the floor where my children eat (JK MOM) and out of the air we breathe! Young Living made that easy by making cleaners so you don’t have to make them yourself! Thank you YL! There are tons of recipes out there for cleaning grouts, ovens, stains…you name it! The added benefits of breathing in things that will support your body instead of harming your body are amazing!

    1. Kids moods

    Yes, you can rub all the lavender in the world on your two year old and he will probably still be a two year old. LOL. Ok, but seriously, we have seen some major benefits in mood modification when we started using oils with Wyatt at that hard age. When he would lose his mind, which wasn’t too often, we would diffuse lavender or Peace and Calming while we worked through his behavior. I noticed a significant time decrease in how long it took him to calm down. We diffused calming oils at bedtime when we went through a rough patch of fighting every-single-freaking-night to go to sleep. Each oil works different for each kid so try some out! Mommy’s mood improves with some good ol’ Stress Away and Tranquil! It’s a win win! Oils can be fantastic for kids with trauma, need help focusing or to support systems in their body that might not be operating as they should. Find what works for your littles.

    1. Head and neck pain

    I think this might have been when I fell in love with oils the first time. I was battling these awful headaches when Wyatt was about 6 months old. My head all the way down to my neck would just throb. Once I freaked out, ran to the doc to make sure I didn’t have a brain tumor, then went to the chiropractor I realized it was tension headaches! I don’t know why I was stressed because I had just had a baby and my husband had lost his job(!!!) It all worked out, don’t worry. BUT. Peppermint, Deep Relief and the Pain Cream just about saved me! Peppermint would knock out the headache when applied to my temples and the Deep Relief and Pain Cream were just like little angels massaging my shoulders and neck (too dramatic?). Good stuff, people.

    1. Lice prevention

    Oh heavens, I pray that we will never have to deal with LICE. Jesus be a fence. My head itches thinking about it. This one I learned from my cousin, another oil freak like me. I mean freak in the highest compliment Shannon! You can combine oils like Tea Tree, Peppermint and Lavender into a spray bottle and give those kiddos a good spritz on the head as they out the door! ESPECIALLY if you get notified that the school has an outbreak. Those little buggers don’t like the smell or taste and they will hitch a ride elsewhere! Winning! Great, my kid is going to get lice now that I proclaimed victory over them.

    1. Detox baths

    I could possibly be that last person to know about detox baths OR I could be on the verge of changing yo’ life! When someone gets sick a detox bath is always on my list! We combine Epsom Salt, Lavender, Thieves, Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda in a hot bath and soak in there for at least 30 minutes. This helps pull the toxins from your body. You will most likely sweat too which is a great detox! Plus, it is just super relaxing. There are tons of different things you can add to your detox bath so have some fun looking up some recipes!

    1. Sickness

    Fighting sickness is probably the most common use of essential oils. I just love how God created the earth with everything we already needed for healing! Thieves, Oregano, Purification, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Frankincense, R.C., Lemon, Rosemary…just to name a few. All of these (and more) are powerhouses for supporting different systems and functions in your body to help fight off bugs and stay well. While I do believe in the power of modern medicine in certain situations, we always do our best to support our bodies naturally when we can!

    If you want to become a member, get wholesale pricing and a starter kit you can sign up HERE!

    I truly hope that this was inspiring for you and challenged you to add oils to your daily routine! Reach out to me if you ever need help!

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