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    April 13, 2018

    Everyone raves about their twenties. You are so young, carefree…cellulite free…ahh to be young and in your 20s again. Right?


    Don’t get me wrong, my twenties were FANTASTIC. I played collegiate volleyball at an amazing University, I got married at a fresh 23 (i know, we were literally babies), bought our first home at 23, had my first born by 27 and had my second born in the last few weeks of being 29. No complaints here!

    (ive always wanted to be done having babies by 30, made that cut by a few weeks! Although, hubby still pushes for #3)

    But for me, I was still so much coming into my own throughout my 20’s. I was still exploring who I wanted to be, fumbling with insecurities and doing a ton of “keeping up with the Jones'”. Kevin and I always talk about how different we are now than when we got married almost 8 years ago.

    Then I got to my thirties. I was terrified to turn thirty, I literally thought, well now I need to buy a mom car and get a mom haircut and throw away all my bikinis. Ok, I know, a bit dramatic.

    You know what I found though? I LOVED BEING THIRTY! I mean it when I say 30 is the new 20.

    As a cancer survivor, every single day that I wake up is such a gift! Being is my thirties is an incredible gift!

    I found my confidence here, I started doing some personal development therapy with the BEST therapist San Diego has to offer. She has taught me more than I can ever begin to type out about myself and guided me into becoming who God created me to be! I did all the work, she just led the way.

    [Disclaimer- Therapy is AMAZING. If you have followed me for any length of time you know Im a huge advocate of personal development and therapy! It doesn’t mean something is drastically wrong with you. It doesn’t mean you are weak. Being VULNERABLE is strength. Investing in you, your marriage, your family is a gift to not only yourself but the people in your life! Give it a try, you might be surprised who you find in the process]

    [2nd disclaimer – I will share my therapist info ONLY if you promise to not take my time slot LOL]

    I learned from age 29-31 all about who I am and how much I love that girl staring back at me in the mirror. Things that used to be so hard for me are now so easy. Things that used to make me tail spin emotionally are now things that roll off my back.  I have taken my thoughts and my inner talk captive and changed it to positive, uplifting and motivating talk! Ive learned not everyone is going to like me and thats ok! I like me! I think I’ll write a blog post of all the things I’ve learned so this one isnt sooooo long!

    I was on the phone the other day and someone asked me what my plans were for my 31st birthday today. I replied that I didn’t really have any! Im doing my usual warming milk, wiping bums, fixing 1 million snacks, dressing and undressing little people and probably a little laundry. There was a little bit of shock on the other end that I didn’t have plans with friends or a special day set up…MIND YOU im going to freaking Disneyland this weekend!!! weeee!!!….but the moral of the story here is that in my 20’s if I didn’t have plans on my actual birthday it would have sent me into a complete tail spin. Thoughts like “no one loves me!” or “why does no one want to hang out with me on my birthday!!” would have flooded me.

    Today, at 31, I am so ok with not having plans today! (although my front door has been unexpectedly revolving with sweet family and friends dropping off balloons, coffee, donuts and a rockin’ fanny pack!)

    I know Im loved. I know Im valued. Im confident in who I am as a person and it hasn’t always been that way! I have tons of fun birthday plans spread out over the next few weeks and today Im investing in myself and taking a photography class too! It feels so good to be ok with down time, even on my birthday!

    I kind of expected turning 31 to be rather bland, you know, I’m thirty…one. Its just there between turing the big THREE O and maybe the next big one at 35. But I’m settling into it like a Friday night cozied up on the sofa with a blanket and my honey…and sleeping kids.

    It suits me.

    I like it here.

    Im confident here.

    Im comfortable here.

    In my wildest dreams I would have imaged being 31 and having a hot husband, a little boy and a little girl and a house with a white picket fence. Im not sure what I did to be so vastly blessed with that EXACT reality as I woke up this morning. I get to stay home with my babies, work a creative business that I run from my living room, support my husband as he works hard for our family, have amazing friends who lift me up and challenge me…it blows my mind and Im so eternally grateful.

    Cheers 31, I think you are my most favorite yet.